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No! You cannot avoid withdrawal fees because you are leaving the Hedpay Platform and going to an external wallet or account provider. Fees will apply depending on your chosen network or destination bank.

There are no fees for adding funds to your account.

There are no fees or limits for transferring funds between Hedpay users (peer-to-peer transactions). When moving funds in and out of Hedpay, fees are charged based on the services used, the currency exchange, and the corresponding banking fees.

To make a transfer or a payment with cryptocurrencies or FIAT, you need first to have the recipient's wallet address or banking information. Then, follow the on-screen instructions for Withdrawal or Transfer. Please note that fees will apply to your account.

First, set up the recipient and save it to your contacts to make transfers. You can set up recipients by using their QR code or UID number. Then go to the Wallet section from the menu for internal transfers. Select a recipient from your contacts to initiate a transfer.

You can transfer to any local or international bank as long as you provide all the information and details for the destination account.

Super easy! Go to your Home screen, select Send, and follow the on-screen instructions. Select the destination account and provide the required bank details and the amount you want to send. Then, perform the required authorization, and you're done!

Once you log in to your Hedpay account, go to the Wallet section from the menu and click the link to Deposit. Follow the on-screen instructions.

For cryptocurrencies, use the designated QR code or copy your wallet address to deposit funds into your wallet.

For FIAT currencies, you can transfer from any bank account to your wallet account referenced with your UID number within Hedpay. Accounts defined by other currencies can also be used to load or top up your account with a debit or credit card directly (follow the on-screen instructions on our website or App). More details are provided for each currency.

You can transfer to your Hedpay account via a standard bank transfer. To avoid delays and misplacement of funds, you must include your UID number in the Reference section of the bank transfer. For a fast follow-up, you can provide your transfer slip information to the support chat agent or email us at [email protected].

The transfer process can be easily managed within your wallet. Just select the method of loading or top-up your account. Please refer to the Banking Information section for incoming transfer instructions.

For incoming cryptocurrencies to your wallet, please note that the confirmation time required varies between blockchains and the networks used for the transaction. A minimum of 3 to 20 confirmations within a period of 30 minutes to 3 hours are required. For more details, please refer to the network you used for sending. Furthermore, you can provide your TXN Hash link to our support team for a fast follow-up.

It’s 100% free! Spread the good news and enjoy more freedom.

Once the funds transfer into your Hedpay account, it takes less than 24 hours during regular business hours to credit the account. However, it may take 48 to 72 hours over the weekends or holidays. Please note that your bank may delay if the information you provided is incorrect. If your funds do not appear in your Hedpay account within five (5) business days, don't hesitate to contact our support team and your bank. Funds may be returned to the sender.

Once submitted after you key in your OTP, a fund transfer instruction cannot be canceled or reversed. Please make sure you enter the correct account number before keying in your transaction OTP.

A beneficial HINT! You can avoid fees by inviting the recipient to open a Hedpay Wallet account. Your transfer will be internal with no fees charged to your account; plus, you will earn rewards for your referral.

If the recipient has no Hedpay Wallet account, you can send a referral link to their email account and let them know about registering for a Hedpay Wallet account. You gain rewards for the referral! More options to invite new users are coming soon.

A withdrawal is equivalent to a transfer initiated to an external party (outside the Hedpay Platform) and your external wallet or bank account. Please note that fees will apply to your account for withdrawals.

As a reference, you must enter your HEdpAY Unique Account ID (UID) number “H-000-000000”.

International Bank Transfers

Beneficiary NameHEdpAY Technologies
Beneficiary BankScotiabank (no address required)
Bank Code002
Account Number0208213 (for Canadian $)
Account Number0101516 (for US $)

There are no limits for transactions occurring within the Hedpay Platform. Transactions that are incoming to or outgoing from Hedpay do have limitations. You can see the latest transaction limits here.